Cosmic Signature in Detail

Introduction: In the ever-evolving landscape of blockchain technology and digital assets, the Cosmic Signature project emerges as a groundbreaking fusion of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized finance (DeFi), and interactive gaming. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the Cosmic Signature ecosystem, detailing its innovative mechanics, unique features, and the value it brings to participants in the blockchain space.

Project Overview: At its core, Cosmic Signature is an NFT-based game that operates on the Ethereum Arbitrum network. The project revolves around an engaging bidding system where participants compete to win exclusive Cosmic Signature NFTs and substantial Ether (ETH) rewards. By incorporating elements of chance, strategy, and community engagement, Cosmic Signature creates a dynamic and rewarding ecosystem for all participants.

The key components of the Cosmic Signature project include the Cosmic Signature NFTs, which are unique digital artworks based on the three-body problem in physics. These are complemented by the Random Walk NFTs, a collaborating project featuring abstract art generated by 5D random walks. The ecosystem is powered by Cosmic Tokens (CST), ERC-20 tokens that serve multiple functions within the project. All of these elements are managed by smart contracts that handle the game mechanics, token distribution, and prize pool. Overseeing certain aspects of the project is a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), ensuring community-driven governance.

Part 2: Game Mechanics

Game Mechanics:

The heart of the Cosmic Signature experience lies in its innovative bidding system, which combines elements of chance, strategy, and community engagement to create a dynamic and rewarding gameplay environment.

Bidding System:

  1. Initial Bid Price:
    • The initial bid price is set very low to encourage widespread participation. This accessibility ensures that new players can join the game easily.
  2. Post-Round Bid Price:
    • After each round ends, the bid price resets to approximately 100 times lower than the winning bid of the previous round. This mechanism maintains a balance and keeps the game attractive for new entrants.
  3. Dynamic Bidding and Timer:
    • Each game round begins with a 24-hour countdown timer. Players can place bids using ETH, Cosmic Tokens (CST), or using Random Walk NFTs to get a 50% discound on the ETH bid.
    • Every new bid increases the price by approximately 1% and adds one hour to the timer, creating a suspenseful and engaging gameplay experience.
    • When the timer reaches zero, the player who placed the last bid is declared the winner of the round.
  4. Dutch Auction System:
    • For CST bids, a dynamic Dutch auction mechanism is used. The initial price starts at a set value (e.g., 200 CST) and decreases linearly over 24 hours.
    • The auction duration can increase or decrease based on the ratio of CST bids to ETH bids. If the ratio of CST bids is too high, the auction duration increases to control the CST bid ratio.
    • When a CST bid is placed, the auction restarts with the initial price doubled from the last CST bid price, ensuring a balanced bidding environment.
  5. ETH Discounts with Random Walk NFTs:
    • Bidders can use Random Walk NFTs to receive a 50% discount on the ETH bid price. Once a Random Walk NFT is used for this purpose, it cannot be used ever again by anyone else.
    • This adds an extra layer of strategy, as players can leverage these discounts for significant advantage. (It might be advantageous to do this when the bid price gets high)


  1. Winner’s Reward:
    • The winner of each round receives about 25% of the prize pool in ETH. This reward is not sent directly to the winner’s wallet but is held in a special contract from which they can withdraw.
    • In addition to ETH, winners receive any donated NFTs from other projects that were added to the prize pool during the round. (More on this later)
  2. Raffle Winners:
    • Each round also includes multiple raffle winners:
      • 3 raffle winners, each receiving 5% of the ETH in the pot.
      • 4 winners of Cosmic Signature NFTs, chosen randomly with replacement, meaning a single raffle ticket could potentially win multiple prizes.

Message Feature:

  • Bidders have the option to leave a visible message with their bids, which remains displayed until the next bid is placed. (This could be used to promote something, for example)

Collaboration Feature:

  • Bidders can donate other unrelated NFTs to the prize pool when placing a bid. These donated NFTs are awarded to the winner of the round and are featured on the project's homepage during the round. This feature allows other NFT projects to promote their NFTs through the Cosmic Signature platform.

These mechanics are designed to create an engaging experience for participants, encouraging strategic bidding and community involvement while offering substantial rewards and promotional opportunities.

Part 3: Token Economics

Token Economics:

Cosmic Tokens (CST) are the lifeblood of the Cosmic Signature ecosystem. These ERC-20 tokens are integral to the game mechanics, governance, and overall economic balance of the project.

Initial Supply and Distribution:

  1. Initial Supply:
    • The initial supply of Cosmic Tokens starts at zero.
    • Tokens are minted only when participants place bids, ensuring a controlled and demand-driven supply.
  2. Bid Rewards:
    • For each bid, 100 CST are minted and awarded to the bidder.
    • An additional 20 CST are minted and allocated to the marketing wallet to support promotional activities and community engagement.

Dutch Auction System:

  1. Dynamic Auction Mechanics:
    • The Dutch auction system for CST bidding starts with an initial price (e.g., 200 CST) and decreases linearly over 24 hours.
    • The auction duration is dynamic and can increase or decrease based on the ratio of CST bids to ETH bids. If the ratio of CST bids is too high, the auction duration increases to discourage an overabundance of CST bids and maintain economic balance.
  2. Auction Restart:
    • When a CST bid is placed, the auction restarts with the initial price doubled from the last CST bid price.

Burn Mechanism:

  • Controlling Supply:
    • To prevent inflation and maintain token value, CST used in the Dutch auction bids are burned.
    • This deflationary mechanism reduces the overall supply of CST over time, creating a more valuable and scarce token.

Utility of Cosmic Tokens:

  1. Bidding:
    • CST can be used for bidding in the Cosmic Signature game, providing an alternative to ETH and adding a strategic element for players.
  2. Governance:
    • CST holders can participate in the Cosmic DAO, where 1 token equals 1 vote.
    • The DAO primarily controls the decisions on charitable contributions and the management of the marketing wallet. We will initially support a platform like
  3. Trading:
    • CST are tradable on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap, providing liquidity and value to token holders.
    • This facilitates an active market for CST, allowing participants to buy, sell, or trade tokens as needed.

Marketing Wallet:

  1. Allocation and Use:
    • The marketing wallet receives 20 CST from each bid, which is used for promotional activities, community rewards, and other marketing strategies.
    • The wallet is managed by the DAO, ensuring that the community has a say in how these funds are utilized.
  2. Community Incentives:
    • The marketing wallet may be used to reward community members for activities like tweeting about the project, writing articles, or other promotional efforts.
    • This incentivizes active participation and helps spread awareness about the project.

Economic Balance:

  1. Equilibrium Points:
    • The interplay between minting, burning, and the dynamic auction system creates a complex economic model.
    • Participants and economists alike may find it intriguing to analyze potential equilibrium points and the long-term sustainability of the token economy.
  2. Inflation Control:
    • By carefully controlling the minting and burning of CST, the project aims to maintain a healthy balance between supply and demand.
    • This ensures that CST retains its value over time and remains a valuable asset within the ecosystem.


The token economics of Cosmic Signature are designed to create a balanced and sustainable ecosystem. With a controlled supply of CST, dynamic auction mechanics, and deflationary measures, the project aims to provide a rewarding and engaging experience for all participants while maintaining the long-term value of its native tokens.

Part 4: NFT Mechanics

NFT Mechanics:

The Cosmic Signature project features two primary types of NFTs: Cosmic Signature NFTs and Random Walk NFTs. Each type of NFT offers unique utilities and mechanics within the ecosystem, contributing to the overall game dynamics and player engagement.

Cosmic Signature NFTs:

  1. Unique Digital Artworks:
    • Cosmic Signature NFTs are unique digital artworks based on the three-body problem in physics.
    • These NFTs serve as both collectibles and functional assets within the ecosystem.
  2. Minting Process:
    • A new Cosmic Signature NFT is minted whenever a player wins a bidding round.
    • The winner receives the NFT as part of their reward, adding value to their victory.
    • Additional NFTs are minted to raffle winners and RandomWalk NFT stakers.
  3. Utility and Staking:
    • Beyond their aesthetic value, Cosmic Signature NFTs can be staked to earn a portion of the bidding fees.
    • Approximately 10% of the ETH prize pool is allocated to Cosmic Signature NFT stakers every time there is a winner. This reward is distributed evenly among all stakers.
    • For example, if the staker reward is 40 ETH and there are 20 stakers, each staker would receive 2 ETH.
  4. Increasing Staking Period:
    • The minimum staking period for Cosmic Signature NFTs increases over time. The minimum period is equal to the amount of time since the project launch to the present moment.
    • This mechanism encourages long-term holding and participation in the ecosystem.
    • To collect their ETH rewards, stakers must unstake their NFTs. Upon restaking, the new minimum staking period will be longer than before, based on the current elapsed time since the project launch.

Random Walk NFTs:

This project has been launched in 2021.

  1. Abstract Art and Minting:
    • Random Walk NFTs feature abstract art generated by 5D random walks, combining movement in 2D space with shifts in 3D color space.
    • Anyone can mint a Random Walk NFT at any time. The initial minting price is approximately 0.1 ETH and increases by 0.1% with each mint, creating an exponential price increase.
  2. 30-Day Countdown Mechanic:
    • If no one mints a Random Walk NFT for 30 days, the last person who minted an NFT can claim a reward of 50% of the total funds in the pot.
    • All funds paid for minting are added to the pot, which continues to grow with each mint.
    • After the prize is claimed, the remaining funds stay in the pot, allowing the game to continue.
  3. ETH Discounts:
    • Bidders can use Random Walk NFTs to receive a 50% discount on the ETH bid price in the Cosmic Signature game.
    • Once a Random Walk NFT is used for this purpose, it cannot be used ever again by anyone else, adding a strategic element to its use.
  4. Staking and Rewards:
    • Random Walk NFTs can be staked for a fixed 30-day minimum period.
    • At the end of each staking round, four random stakers are selected to receive Cosmic Signature NFTs.

Collaboration and Promotion:

  1. NFT Donations to Prize Pool:
    • Bidders have the option to donate other unrelated NFTs (on Arbitrum) to the prize pool when placing a bid.
    • Donated NFTs are awarded to the winner of the round and are featured on the project's homepage during the round.
    • This feature allows other NFT projects to promote their NFTs through the Cosmic Signature platform, potentially adding significant value if the project becomes popular.


The NFT mechanics of Cosmic Signature offer a rich and engaging experience for participants. With unique digital artworks, strategic staking opportunities, and collaborative features, both Cosmic Signature and Random Walk NFTs play a vital role in the ecosystem, providing aesthetic value, financial rewards, and promotional opportunities.

Part 5: Staking Mechanics

Staking Mechanics:

Staking is a key feature of the Cosmic Signature project, offering participants multiple ways to earn rewards and engage with the ecosystem. Both Cosmic Signature NFTs and Random Walk NFTs can be staked, each with unique mechanics and benefits.

Cosmic Signature NFT Staking:

  1. Reward Distribution:
    • Stakers of Cosmic Signature NFTs earn a portion of the bidding fees.
    • Approximately 10% of the prize pool is allocated to stakers each time there is a winner. This reward is distributed evenly among all stakers.
    • For example, if the staker reward is 40 ETH and there are 20 stakers, each staker would receive 2 ETH.
  2. Increasing Minimum Staking Period:
    • The minimum staking period for Cosmic Signature NFTs increases over time, equal to the time elapsed since the project’s launch.
    • This mechanism encourages long-term participation and stability within the ecosystem.
    • To collect their ETH rewards, stakers must unstake their NFTs. Once unstaked, the accumulated rewards can be claimed.
    • If a staker decides to stake again, the new minimum staking period will be longer than the previous one, based on the current time since the project launch.

Random Walk NFT Staking:

  1. Fixed Staking Period:
    • Random Walk NFTs can be staked for a fixed minimum period of 30 days. There is no maximum.
    • This provides a straightforward and predictable staking mechanism for participants.
  2. Reward Mechanism:
    • At the end of each round, four random stakers are selected to receive Cosmic Signature NFTs.


The staking mechanics of Cosmic Signature provide robust opportunities for participants to earn rewards and engage with the ecosystem. By staking Cosmic Signature NFTs, participants can earn a share of the bidding fees, while staking Random Walk NFTs offers the chance to win valuable Cosmic Signature NFTs. The increasing minimum staking period for Cosmic Signature NFTs encourages long-term participation, while the fixed period for Random Walk NFTs adds predictability and excitement.

Part 6: Community and Governance

Community and Governance:

The Cosmic Signature project places a strong emphasis on community involvement and decentralized governance. At the heart of this is the Cosmic DAO, which ensures that key decisions are made by the community, fostering a sense of ownership and collaboration among participants.

Cosmic DAO:

  1. Voting Mechanism:
    • The DAO operates on a simple voting mechanism where 1 Cosmic Token (CST) equals 1 vote.
    • This structure allows for straightforward and equitable participation in governance decisions.
  2. Governance Scope:
    • The DAO primarily influences where the charity portion of the prize pool is allocated.
    • This includes selecting which charitable causes or Ethereum projects receive donations, aligning the project's philanthropic efforts with the community’s values.
    • The DAO also controls the marketing wallet, ensuring that promotional activities and community rewards align with the collective vision.
  3. Proposal Submission and Voting:
    • Community members can submit proposals for consideration by the DAO.
    • Proposals can cover a wide range of topics, including charitable contributions, marketing strategies, and potential updates or improvements to the project.
    • Voting periods are held regularly, allowing token holders to cast their votes on submitted proposals.

Initial Growth and Referral System:

  1. Referral-Based Promotion:
    • At the project’s launch, a referral system is in place to encourage initial growth and engagement.
    • The initial idea is for the first 100 unique bidders receive special privileges, such as entry into a special raffle for additional rewards.
    • Participants who bid and tweet about their bid from a verified Twitter account are eligible for a potential bonus.
  2. Referral Mechanics:
    • When placing a bid, participants can specify a referrer in the message (e.g., "twitter user @123 referred by @234").
    • Both the referrer and the referred user receive a 10% bonus for each successful referral.
    • Referrals can accumulate, leading to increased rewards (e.g., a base reward of $1000 could become $1600 for a user who refers six others).
  3. Social Contract:
    • This referral system operates as a social contract between early participants and the project creators.
    • Although not encoded in smart contracts, it is a promised feature to incentivize viral growth and community participation.

Community Engagement and Incentives:

  1. Active Community Management:
    • A full-time marketer manages the project’s Discord, Twitter, and Reddit accounts to foster community engagement.
    • Regular updates, events, and AMAs (Ask Me Anything sessions) are held to keep the community informed and involved.
  2. Incentives and Rewards:
    • The marketing wallet funds various community incentives, such as rewards for promoting the project on social media or contributing to its growth.
    • These incentives help maintain an active and motivated community, driving organic growth and visibility.

Philanthropic Focus:

  1. Charity Contributions:
    • A portion of the prize pool is allocated to charitable causes, as determined by the DAO. The initial recepient of the charitable cause will most likely be
    • This philanthropic focus not only adds a meaningful aspect to the project but also serves as a marketing strategy. Significant contributions to important Ethereum projects or other causes can positively influence the project's reputation and appeal.
  2. Long-Term Vision:
    • The project aims to emulate the self-sustaining community model of Bitcoin, where the initial creators set the foundation and the community drives future developments and governance.


The community and governance structure of Cosmic Signature empowers participants to take an active role in the project's direction and success. Through the Cosmic DAO, referral-based promotion, active community engagement, and a focus on charitable contributions, the project fosters a collaborative and dynamic environment. This approach not only builds a strong and involved community but also ensures that the project remains aligned with the values and interests of its participants.

Part 7: Technical Implementation

Technical Implementation:

The technical backbone of the Cosmic Signature project ensures smooth operation, security, and transparency. This section details the smart contracts, user interface, and overall technical infrastructure that support the ecosystem.

Smart Contracts:

  1. Development and Security:
    • The smart contracts managing Cosmic Signature have been developed meticulously over a year by a team of experienced developers.
    • An external code audit will be conducted before the project’s launch to ensure the security and integrity of the contracts.
  2. Core Functions:
    • Bidding System: Smart contracts handle the dynamic bidding system, including the ETH and CST bid processing, timer adjustments, and winner determination.
    • Dutch Auction: The contracts manage the Dutch auction mechanism for CST bids, dynamically adjusting the auction duration based on the CST to ETH bid ratio.
    • Token Distribution: Contracts mint Cosmic Tokens (CST) for each bid and handle the allocation to the marketing wallet.
    • Prize Pool Management: The prize pool is managed through smart contracts, ensuring fair distribution of rewards to winners, raffle participants, and stakers.
    • Staking Mechanisms: Contracts govern the staking processes for both Cosmic Signature and Random Walk NFTs, including reward calculation and distribution.
    • Collaboration Feature: Smart contracts enable the donation and featuring of other NFTs in the prize pool, promoting collaboration with other projects.
  3. Transparency and Fairness:
    • The smart contracts are designed to ensure transparency and fairness in all game mechanics and transactions.
    • Cryptographic methods are used for verifiable winner selection of the initial incentives and rewards (not managed by smart contracts)

User Interface:

  1. Front-End Design:
    • The front-end interface is designed to be sleek, intuitive, and user-friendly, allowing easy interaction with the smart contracts.
    • Participants can place bids, stake their NFTs, and engage in DAO activities through a seamless interface.
  2. Real-Time Updates:
    • The interface provides real-time updates on current bids, time remaining, and the size of the prize pool.
    • Players can view the history of bids, statistics, and other relevant data through the backend system integrated with the front end.
  3. Message Display and Filtering:
    • Bidders can leave messages with their bids, which are displayed on the interface. All the messages are recorded on the blockchain in their raw form.
  4. Collaboration Feature:
    • Donated NFTs are prominently featured on the homepage during the round, showcasing the collaboration and promoting other NFT projects.
  5. Backend System:
    • The backend system supports the front-end interface by managing the data and interactions with the blockchain.
    • It allows for comprehensive viewing of bidding history, statistics, and other important metrics.

Scalability and Future-Proofing:

  1. Scalability:
    • The technical infrastructure is designed to handle increased user activity and scale efficiently as the project grows.
    • Robust backend systems and optimized smart contracts ensure smooth performance even during high traffic periods.
  2. Future Enhancements:
    • The open and transparent nature of the blockchain allows third parties to create additional explorers or tools to enhance the user experience further.

External Code Audit:

  1. Security Assurance:
    • Before launch, an external code audit will be conducted by a reputable firm to identify and rectify any vulnerabilities.
    • This audit provides an additional layer of security assurance to the community, ensuring the robustness of the smart contracts.


The technical implementation of Cosmic Signature is designed to ensure a secure, transparent, and engaging user experience. With meticulously developed smart contracts, an intuitive user interface, and robust backend systems, the project is well-equipped to handle the demands of a dynamic and growing ecosystem. The emphasis on security through external audits and the flexibility for future enhancements further solidify the project's foundation.

Part 8: Launch Strategy and Future Development

Launch Strategy and Future Development:

The launch of the Cosmic Signature project is meticulously planned to generate immediate excitement and long-term engagement. This section outlines the strategies for the initial launch, marketing efforts, and future development plans to ensure sustained growth and community involvement.

Initial Launch Phase:

  1. Referral-Based Promotion:
    • At launch, a referral system will be in place to encourage initial participation and growth.
    • The first 100 unique bidders will receive special privileges, such as entry into a special raffle for additional rewards.
    • Participants who bid and tweet about their bid from a verified Twitter account will be eligible for a potential bonus.
  2. Referral Mechanics:
    • Bidders can specify a referrer in their bid message (e.g., "twitter user @123 referred by @234").
    • Both the referrer and the referred user receive a 10% bonus for each successful referral.
    • Bonuses can accumulate, increasing the base reward and incentivizing viral growth.
  3. Marketing Campaign:
    • A full-time marketer will manage the project’s Discord, Twitter, and Reddit accounts to foster community engagement.
    • Potential YouTube videos will be created to explain the project, its mechanics, and how to participate.
    • Influencer partnerships will be explored to boost visibility and credibility.
  4. Community Engagement:
    • Regular updates, events, and AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions will be held to keep the community informed and involved.
    • Early participants will be encouraged to spread the word and contribute to the project's growth.
  5. Press Releases and Articles:
    • Publish press releases and articles in popular blockchain and crypto news outlets to reach a wider audience.
    • Highlight the unique features and potential of the Cosmic Signature project to attract interest.

Ongoing Development and Updates:

  1. Community-Driven Governance:
    • The Cosmic DAO will play a crucial role in deciding on charitable contributions, marketing strategies, and potential updates.
    • Regular voting periods will allow the community to submit and vote on proposals, ensuring that the project aligns with the collective vision.
  2. Sustainability and Long-Term Vision:
    • The project aims to emulate the self-sustaining community model of Bitcoin, where the initial creators set the foundation and the community drives future developments.
    • Encourage long-term staking and participation to maintain a healthy ecosystem and ensure sustained growth.

Measuring Success and Adaptation:

  1. Metrics and Analytics:
    • Track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as user growth, transaction volume, and community engagement.
    • Use data analytics to understand user behavior and identify areas for improvement.
  2. Adapting Strategies:
    • Be flexible and ready to adapt strategies based on community feedback and market trends.
    • Ensure that the project remains relevant and appealing to both new and existing participants.

Philanthropic Impact:

  1. Charity Contributions:
    • Significant contributions to important Ethereum projects and other charitable causes, as determined by the DAO.
    • Highlight the impact of these contributions in marketing efforts to build a positive reputation and attract socially conscious participants.
  2. Community Recognition:
    • Recognize and reward active community members who contribute to the project’s growth and success.
    • Foster a sense of belonging and pride among participants, encouraging ongoing engagement and support.


The launch strategy and future development plans for Cosmic Signature are designed to create immediate excitement and ensure long-term sustainability. By leveraging a referral-based promotion, community-driven governance, and ongoing feature enhancements, the project aims to build a vibrant and engaged ecosystem. The emphasis on transparency, security, and philanthropy further strengthens the project’s foundation, positioning it for sustained growth and success in the decentralized gaming space.